Mr. Dil Raj Khanal has completed a Master's degree in Environmental and Natural Resource Management laws from Tribhuwan University, Kathmandu Nepal. Mr. Khanal is an environmental and natural resource management lawyer working for the promotion and protection of common property rights of community-based natural resource management groups, Indigenous Peoples, and farmers groups in Nepal for the last 25 years. He is also working as an institutional, policy, and legal expert for the drafting of legislative instruments, policies, and policy advocacy plans, facilitating legal capacity building of Indigenous Peoples and local communities including CSOs, farmer groups, and legal research in the sector of environment and natural resources management including land, agriculture, water, forest and biodiversity, MAPs/herbs and NTFPs, climate change, energy, collective tenure rights, customary practices, traditional knowledge and social and environmental safeguards in Nepal. Currently, he is affiliated with different national-level federations/associations of communities including community-based NRM groups, land rights groups, farmer groups, and projects-affected communities.