tree-icon News Room

Successful Completion of AFFON’s 2nd Federal Assembly !

AFFON has successfully completed it’s 2nd Federal National Assembly in the invaluable presence of Chief Guest, Former Prime Minister , Honorable Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal , Special Guest, Honorable Minister Mr. Shakti Bahadur Basnet , Minister of Forests and Environment and Special Guest Honorable Mrs. Purna Kumari Subedi Chairperson , Agriculture Co-operative and Natural Resources Committee and Member of Parliament Mr. Ghanshyam Khatiwoda and Mrs. Anita Devkota . Also, President, International Family Forest Alliance (IFFA) Mr. Lennart Ackzell and Managing Director, Danish Forestry Extension (DFE) Mr. Flemming Sehested made their valued presence and presented on the issues of Family Forestry.

Chief guest, inaugurating the assembly by watering the Cedrus deodara !

Chairperson AFFON, handing over Token of Love to Former Honorable Prime Minister Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal !

AFFON likes to congratulate the newly elected Central Executive Committee of 44 including Mr. Jog Raj Giri as the Chairperson , Mrs. Indira Ghimire Senior Vice- Chairperson , Ms. Aarati Pathak General Secretary, Mr. Nabin Poudel Secretary and Mr. Rajendra Bhatta , Treasurer AFFON ! The committee consisted of the following members :

नव र्निवाचित पदाधिकारी र सदस्यहरुको नामावली ः
अध्यक्ष जोगराज गिरी
वरिष्ठ उपाध्यक्ष ईन्दिरा घिमिरे
उपाध्यक्ष प्रदेश १ लक्ष्मण पाठक
उपाध्यक्ष प्रदेश २ बुद्घि प्रसाद उप्रेती
उपाध्यक्ष प्रदेश ३ सुशिला खतिवडा
उपाध्यक्ष गण्डकी प्रदेश मुक्तिनाथ तिम्सिना
उपाध्यक्ष प्रदेश ५ मेघराज भुसाल
उपाध्यक्ष कर्णाली प्रदेश ऋषि अधिकारी
उपाध्यक्ष सुदुरपश्चिम प्रदेश छाया देवी देवकोटा
महासचिव आरती पाठक
सचिव नविन पौडेल
कोषध्यक्ष राजेन्द« भट्ट
सदस्यहरु गोकुली कुमारी रेग्मी
भूमिका देवी आचार्य
सिता भुसाल
कर्ण बहादुर रावल
कूल प्रसाद चापागाइ
गोविन्द बहादुर शाही
प्रेम बहादुर जिसी (प्रेम लामिछाने)
फौद बहादुर बस्नेत
मानसिंह पोखरेल
संजिव ढकाल
ज्ञान बहादुर खडका
दिलिप कुमार लामा
लक्ष्मण बहादुर कार्की
टिका प्रसाद देवकोटा
ख्ुाुम प्रसाद सुवेदी
होमनाथ सापकोटा
अम्बिका थापा
जमुना पोखरेल
पार्वती नगरकोटी
सानुमाया बस्नेत
कल्पना भण्डारी
कल्पना शर्मा
निर्मला पाण्डे
आदिवासी ÷जनजाती राजमती कुमारी चौधरी
रुमदेवी घर्ती
धनबहादुर राई
अमर बहादुर तामाङ्ग
दलित कमल बहादुर परियार
सुमित्रा बोसेल
मधेसी राम कुमार महतो
प्ूानम देवी शाह
अपाङ्गता सर्वजीत यादव
ल्ोखा समिती शितल दाहाल
विन्दूलाल रेग्मी
भवसागर सिंह
कौशल्या कुमारी

न्यायिक समिती राम मल्ल ठकुरी
उमाकान्त बराल
डिक बहादुर बम्जन
राम बहादुर शाही
बिन्दू श्रेष्ठ

Oath taking ceremony of the newly elected committee !

Also, AFFON’s Silviculture Booklet , Policy Brief, GESI Strategy and Silviculture Booklet were inaugurated by Chief Guest, Former Prime Minister , Honorable Mr. Madhav Kumar Nepal , Special Guest, Honorable Minister Mr. Shakti Bahadur Basnet , Minister of Forests and Environment and Special Guest Honorable Mrs. Purna Kumari Subedi Chairperson , Agriculture Co-operative and Natural Resources Committee respectively !


Inauguration of Policy Brief, Silviculture Booklet and GESI Strategy of AFFON !

Chairperson, AFFON delivering his closing remarks !

Mr. Flemming Sehested (DFE), Mr. Jog Raj Giri ( AFFON) , Mr. Lennart Ackzell (IFFA) and Mr. Gobinda Bahadur Shahi & Mr. Khum Prasad Subedi (Central Committee Members , AFFON) !

Media Coverage : Nepal Samacharpattra !

Media Coverage : News of Nepal !

Media Coverage : Nirantar News !

Media Coverage : !

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