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Contribution of Family Forestry in National Wood Production !

Contribution of Family Forestry in National Wood Production !

Biodiversity is being conserved in the millions of agro-forests on the private farms of farmers or families outside the forest. About 54,900 hectares of private forest is mentioned in “the strategy of forest area”2072 BS (Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation, 2072 BS). But so far the number of private forests registered is 2458 and the area is only 2360 hectares (Ministry of Forest and Environment, 2075).

Family forests have been playing a big role. The population of Nepal was 26.4 million 94 thousand 504 in 2068 BS. The Central Statistics Bureau has estimated that it reached 20.92 million 18 thousand 867 in 2076 BS. Therefore, another thing to understand is that the importance of family owned forests is not limited to the demand and supply of timber and firewood. Increasing the production and productivity of forest produce in family forests means that the growing population is also becoming self-sufficient in firewood.

Also, to help fill the gap in the national demand for firewood. To assist in forest conservation by reducing the pressure of forest production in the national forest. It is to contribute to bring balance in the whole ecosystem by conserving family forests. However, the statistics of private forest registration and action plan approval as per the provisions of the Forest Act, 2049 BS is disappointing. Only 2,902 hectares of 3,753 people in 62 districts have family forests, according to a 2017 report by the Community Forest Division.

Based on the data collected by the Central Statistics Bureau for 2011-12, out of a total of 54,23,297 households in Nepal, 13,26,492 households have family forests in one place with 5,32,39,992 trees, ranging from 0.1 to the family has up to 10 hectares of family forest. The government has not paid much attention to the farmers who have been protecting the forest area, which occupies about 11 percent of the land as family forest.

This sector, which supplies 65 percent of the timber to the Nepali market, is not a priority for the Government of Nepal. Compared to the total timber production of Nepal in the last five years, the contribution of family forests is increasing day by day. Family forest production and economic mobilization is increasing. In FY. 2072/73, 73,07,682 cu ft and value added tax (Rs.) 12,27,04,603 was received (Forest Department, Our Forest 2072.73).

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